Our focus areas

Essential Components of Our Sustainability Strategy

Carbon footprint reduction

Our group has set ambitious goals to reduce GHG emissions across our schools. These goals are aligned with international agreements such as the Paris Climate Agreement and aim to limit global warming.


By embracing energy-efficient practices and technologies, we can reduce carbon emissions, mitigate climate change impacts, and promote economic prosperity for present and future generations.

Gardens & Biodiversity

Campuses in all our regions prioritise green spaces and landscaping to enhance environmental quality. Our emphasis lies in two key areas: cultivating food and fostering an appreciation for biodiversity.

Waste reduction

Our waste management strategy embodies the core principles of the 5Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle. In our scope 3 calculations, waste management is included as a key metric. We closely monitor our waste output to assess our environmental impact. Additionally, we track our paper consumption and provide monthly reports on usage.

Community Engagement

Involving the local community, parent groups, NGOs, and local organisations is vital for fostering community engagement in our schools. These stakeholders contribute diverse perspectives and resources, enriching the educational experience. Our schools have also partnered with local and international NGOs and organisations to promote sustainability


Our schools are integrating water-efficient technology and raising awareness about water conservation. Across our campuses, we are dedicated to capturing and reusing water, incorporating green infrastructure, and utilising the latest advancements in water management. We conduct monthly monitoring and measurement of our water usage, striving to reduce consumption through careful management.